WJZ CBS Baltimore did a feature piece on the CSM Initiative. This was a terrific experience, and we are proud... Read More
The Careers in Science and Medicine Summer Internship Program (CSM SIP) is the undergraduate component of the Johns Hopkins Initiative for Careers in Science and Medicine (CSM Initiative). The CSM Initiative seeks to develop scholars from low-income (<200% of the federal poverty level) and educationally under-resourced (most commonly first-generation college or went to, or would have gone to based on their home address, a high school where the majority are also low-income) backgrounds to help them build the accomplishments, skills, network, and support necessary to achieve advanced careers in biomedical, medical, health-related, and STEM professions.
To date, 117 scholars have participated in CSM SIP. Of those who have reached medical or graduate school age, 50% have matriculated into medical or graduate programs, including the Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Thomas Jefferson, Harvard Medical School, Michigan State University, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and Ohio State University. 6% of CSM SIP scholars have returned to join our DDP program.
If you are interested in applying to the CSM SIP, the application may be found here.
If you would like more information on CSM SIP, please contact Dr. Venkataramana Sidhaye (vsidhay1@jhmi.edu) or Dr. Kathy Wilson (klwilson@jhmi.edu).
If you are interested in helping support the Johns Hopkins Initiative for Careers in Science and Medicine, please contact Sarah Farrell, Director of Development (sfarrell@jhmi.edu) or Kevin McGuire (kmcgui10@jhmi.edu), Sr. Associate Director of Development, Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences.